Inspiration: Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity. Something that is inspired; a sudden creative act or idea
How do I generate my creative energy? Perhaps from studying nature or history, or while sipping on a hot cup of tea, burning a fragrant candle, my tai chi class, a brisk walk with hubby, the smell of rain, watching snow fall in the valley, eating blueberries or homemade caramels, talking with friends, music, looking at bolts of fabric, studying color, a good night's rest - any of these can inspire me and get my creative wheels rotating. Ideas for Lil' Squirtz, ideas for organizing, ideas for decorating, ideas for gifts from the heart...not too early to plan for Christmas! Ideas for cooking and baking, ideas for the garden, ideas for activities with the grand kids, travel ideas. I have countless ideas about many aspects of my life, which challenges me in allocating time to orchestrate them all.
Stimulate the mind.
Enjoy the day.
mother hen
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