Recently Rob moved next box #3 to a new location. It appeared the wood ducks did not like the old location. It is now located under our deck on the top of the support post.
We have had a lot of action since moving the nest. We had 3 pairs of ducks sitting in the maple tree where nest box #2 is located. Finally, after a drake checked for safety a hen flew into the box to check things out. She did not lay an egg, but should return tomorrow to lay her first egg. The last several days have been so exciting to see all the ducks so close to the house. Several times they were walking on top of the deck railing. They are so beautiful. The drake does such a great job watching while the hen takes care of business. They are constantly talking to each other and their tails are wagging away.
Rob took this picture of Harold waiting for Hattie to lay an egg. He doesn't look real! But he is! He is so beautiful, much prettier than this picture shows.
Enjoy the day.
mother hen
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